WIP: Too Many Things

It’s not quite fair to say I’m in a knitting slump, but it’s true I haven’t had any projects to show off in a while.

We have seen a lot of changes in the past few years. We’ve moved. We have changed churches. Cancer has come to visit my family, twice. I took a college class. Two children started elementary school. A third child was born. All the while my husband traveled extensively for work.

I’m exhausted, y’all.

Between doing the household chores and managing the extracurriculars, I haven’t found much quality time with my knitting like I used to.

I do have an abundance of projects on my needles. However, the problem is I can’t seem to get these projects off of their needles.

A shawl • Another shawl • A blanket • A hat

The shawls aren’t really that complicated, but I just keep finding ways to make mistakes. I wish I could as easily find solutions.

The blanket is for my baby boy who is now a toddler. With basic garter stitches and stripes, this is supposed to be mindless knitting. However, I’m at the point where decisions need to be made about the edging, and I find myself stalling.

The hat is supposed to be another gauge swatch for the gorgeous Tucson Pullover. It was easier to work on the other swatch when my now huge toddler was still an infant, but working multiple colors around such a curious boy is just asking for trouble.

So here I am – itching to actually cast on several new sweaters for myself – but buckling down to finally complete the muh muhs shawl. This shawl has been with me since before the move and all of the major life events that have followed. I think once I complete that project, I’ll have conquered the slump and also have cleared out some space in my head.

2 responses to “WIP: Too Many Things

  1. I see a theme of striped garter there. Was it a crush, or is it lasting love? God speed with these! It will be so much easier to fully appreciate them when they are off the needles and spread out flat.

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